WEBVTT 00:11:06.000 --> 00:11:18.000 Negative environmental impacts to create new landfills. So it is prudent to make our existing landfills last as long as possible. 00:11:18.000 --> 00:11:31.000 And by diverting this yard waste and or organic trash from the landfill stream. It makes our landfills in the area and in the state last longer. 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:40.000 Another goal is to preserve natural resources by recycling and reusing materials. In the case of Z best. 00:11:40.000 --> 00:11:49.000 Our finished products are compost and mulch. Which are beneficial to the environment. As soil amendments. 00:11:49.000 --> 00:12:04.000 Water conserving mulch ground cover. Erosion control and bio soil products. And so as we are evaluating or the county is evaluating in this EIR localized. 00:12:04.000 --> 00:12:19.000 Environmental impacts. Let's keep in mind that. The recycling. Facility is critical to the state of California achieving It's climate goals. 00:12:19.000 --> 00:12:31.000 By avoiding the production of methane gas in our landfills that is a major contributor. To global warming and climate change. 00:12:31.000 --> 00:12:41.000 And so for those reasons, we hope ultimately that the project will be approved because the environmental benefits. 00:12:41.000 --> 00:12:51.000 To the state. And the world and all of us. With regard to climate change, is significantly important. 00:12:51.000 --> 00:12:56.000 Thank you. 00:12:56.000 --> 00:13:06.000 So thank you, Eric. So with that, I will open up the floor to any public comment. Again, if you would like to provide a comment. 00:13:06.000 --> 00:13:36.000 Regarding the recirculated draft ER. Please go ahead and raise your hand and we will record the comment at this point. 00:13:38.000 --> 00:13:45.000 Up at this point. So I'll just give it. Few more seconds here we can go ahead and. 00:13:45.000 --> 00:13:51.000 Close if there's no public comments 00:13:51.000 --> 00:14:02.000 Does anybody in the audience have any questions? About process or anything along those lines. 00:14:02.000 --> 00:14:06.000 Seeing none. 00:14:06.000 --> 00:14:22.000 Okay, well with that I don't see any other I don't see any public comments. I do, we do appreciate your time this evening for joining us to, go over the, the recirculated draft DIR, just a quick summary. 00:14:22.000 --> 00:14:32.000 We do again have the project information on our website, which is on the screen. You would just if you're not familiar with how to get there, which most folks at this point may be. 00:14:32.000 --> 00:14:42.000 You go to our county website and go to current projects, go to Gilroy and to see best would be the first project there on the top of the page and you can feel free to take a look at the site plan as well. 00:14:42.000 --> 00:14:47.000 The recirculated draft DIR and again contact information here is on the slide and also we have it on our website. 00:14:47.000 --> 00:15:07.000 If you are interested in making any comments, you could submit them via email or you can also send them through the mail at 70 west heading seventh floor San Jose zip 9 5 1 1 0. 00:15:07.000 --> 00:15:13.000 So with that, I don't see any comments at this point, but again, I want to thank everybody for joining us this evening. 00:15:13.000 --> 00:15:16.000 And again, if you have any questions or you want to provide a comment, feel free to do so. 00:15:16.000 --> 00:15:32.000 You will have other opportunities. To comment on the project, if you don't have a chance to get your comment in before this period, this project again will be tentatively scheduled to the Planning Commission later this year. 00:15:32.000 --> 00:15:40.000 And at that point, if you would like to provide a public comment at that point, you certainly can do so as well. 00:15:40.000 --> 00:15:46.000 So with that, I will go ahead and close the meeting and I want to thank everybody again for joining us this evening. 00:15:46.000 --> 00:15:59.000 And again, reach out to us if you have any questions. Thank you everybody. Have a good evening.