WEBVTT 1 00:00:57.150 --> 00:01:03.059 If you're just joining us now, we'll get started in approximately 2 more minutes. And we have started recording the meeting. 2 00:02:47.850 --> 00:03:08.780 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Okay, thank you. Everybody. We will go ahead and get started. I do see a few folks trickling in, but we'll go ahead and get started. Thank you, everybody, for your patience, we will. We. We were going to start a few minutes after, just to make sure everybody got a moment to join, and I see, we do have a few folks here on the line. I will go ahead and put my camera on. 3 00:03:11.000 --> 00:03:21.329 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Believe everybody can see me. So good evening, everybody. Valerie Mcgregor, I'm the project. Planner. I'll go in and get started. I'm the project planner for the z bestest composting facility project. 4 00:03:31.950 --> 00:03:36.700 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So give me just a moment. Here. I'm trying to maneuver our slides here. 5 00:03:41.730 --> 00:03:54.140 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Okay, there we go. Thank you, Podges, for that. So good evening again. Valerie and Agretti project Planner for the Z best compo compost facility expansion project. Also working here with Samuel Guterres, principal Planner. 6 00:03:54.150 --> 00:04:07.080 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and Emmanuel Orsu from Emc. Planning. I will first go over the meeting objective. I'll go over the sequence schedule, and then I will follow by a brief project overview for the recirculated draft Eir. 7 00:04:07.900 --> 00:04:22.720 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So just a reminder to everybody. This meeting is being recorded. we will take public comments at the end of the presentation. Simply raise your hand, and we will call on you, and depending on the number of speakers we have, we may limit speakers to at least 5 min each. 8 00:04:27.170 --> 00:04:36.990 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So first, the purpose of this meeting is for County Staff County staff is holding a public meeting in order to solicit comments on the recirculated draft. Eir for the Z best project. 9 00:04:37.260 --> 00:04:50.350 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Comments submitted on this on the original draft. Eir were considered when preparing this recirculated draft, Eir. But the county is only receiving comments submitted or provided for. This recirculated draft. Er 10 00:04:51.880 --> 00:04:57.579 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: so this recirculated draft, Eir is in the public comment period underlined here. 11 00:04:57.730 --> 00:05:04.579 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Once Staff receives comments on this recirculated draft. Yeah. I we will then proceed to prepare a final eir. 12 00:05:04.590 --> 00:05:09.379 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: which will occur sometime between June to late August of this year 13 00:05:09.900 --> 00:05:14.769 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: a planning commission hearing is anticipated. Either September or October of this year. 14 00:05:16.230 --> 00:05:20.580 In the next few slides I'll go. I will provide an overview of the project. 15 00:05:22.720 --> 00:05:40.079 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So first, by the way of background, the project is located in Southern Santa Clara County, specifically 980, State Route 25, and Gilroy. The general plan designation is agricultural, large scale, and the zoning for the project is a 40, which is agricultural, 40 acre minimum. 16 00:05:40.240 --> 00:05:46.330 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: The parcel size is 157 acres, but that comprises of 2 separate parcels. 17 00:05:46.690 --> 00:05:51.509 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and the proposed project, again, is a modification of an existing composting facility. 18 00:05:54.520 --> 00:05:59.149 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So this slide here shows the existing layout in the existing site. 19 00:05:59.250 --> 00:06:08.980 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: so as you will see to the left of the screen area a one is for sorting and processing and ancillary activities. It's approximately 20 acres. I'm sorry. 28 acres 20 00:06:09.180 --> 00:06:12.040 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: area one B, actually, I could put here. 21 00:06:12.090 --> 00:06:28.429 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: It's just to the south of that. It's mixed solid waste, which is Ms. W. Composting. Again, it's approximately 21 acres. and then an area one C. This is where the green waste composting is at again. This is approximately 21 acres. 22 00:06:28.690 --> 00:06:41.419 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and then a detention basin is just past that, and that's approximately 6.3 acres area 2 is compost storage and finishing activities, which is approximately 28 acres. 23 00:06:41.880 --> 00:06:48.390 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: And then there's another detention basin, which is detention based into which is approximately 2 acres. 24 00:06:51.490 --> 00:07:07.040 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So the project description is to increase the compost composting facility from 1,500 trips per day to 2750 trips per day, which is, for a peak capacity of up to 15 days a year for no more than 20 days a year. 25 00:07:07.800 --> 00:07:11.440 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: The applicant also proposes a raise in the level of one B, 26 00:07:11.680 --> 00:07:16.990 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: which is above the base flood elevation. This is again, where the Msw. Composting will occur. 27 00:07:17.480 --> 00:07:31.919 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and there's also a proposed to increase the capacity of detention, one from 9.1 million gallons to 1414.5 million gallons. and then also to expand the flood storage capacity by excavating approximately 7.2 acres 28 00:07:32.020 --> 00:07:35.450 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: in the portion of in a northwest portion of Area 2, 29 00:07:35.820 --> 00:07:47.659 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and then also to relocate the facility entrance along South 25 on Bolster Road intersection and close to the existing driveway entrance, and I'll show you in a moment some photos of that. 30 00:07:50.800 --> 00:07:54.249 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So this Site plan here shows the proposed activity. 31 00:07:54.280 --> 00:08:00.860 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Again, the of just for a point of reference. The flood storage capacity is is towards the top right of your screen. 32 00:08:00.960 --> 00:08:04.700 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: 25 runs towards the top of your screen, more north. 33 00:08:07.310 --> 00:08:11.819 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and here are the modification areas. 34 00:08:15.150 --> 00:08:20.859 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: And then for reference here, this slide here shows a proposed driveway modification. Again, this is Highway 25 35 00:08:22.780 --> 00:08:24.240 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and Balsa Road. 36 00:08:25.890 --> 00:08:28.629 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and this is the entrance into the property. 37 00:08:33.460 --> 00:08:53.510 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So with that overview staff is prepared to take public comments on the Revised er myself. Valerie Nickretti is available for many processing questions as well as Samuel Guterres, and our information is here on the screen. Here we also have our information on the public website. 38 00:08:53.930 --> 00:08:57.239 And before I conclude, I understand the applicant. Eric 39 00:08:57.590 --> 00:09:00.420 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: is available 40 00:09:00.490 --> 00:09:06.869 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: soon down there is available, and would like to say a few words. So I'm going to go ahead and unmute you, Eric. 41 00:09:10.860 --> 00:09:11.540 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: and 42 00:09:12.760 --> 00:09:14.939 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: so it should say, so you should 43 00:09:16.280 --> 00:09:19.019 Erik Schoennauer: except the unmute. 44 00:09:19.110 --> 00:09:22.330 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Yes, we can hear you. Thank you. 45 00:09:22.570 --> 00:09:28.680 Erik Schoennauer: I don't think I may able to have my video on, so 46 00:09:28.690 --> 00:09:49.139 Erik Schoennauer: I'll just be audio. But thank you, Valerie. My name is Eric Shane Hour, and I am a consultant to Z. Best speaking on behalf of the Z best facility. I just want to make sure for the public that we emphasize the the local statewide 47 00:09:49.190 --> 00:09:52.770 Erik Schoennauer: and global benefits of this facility. 48 00:09:52.910 --> 00:09:58.990 Erik Schoennauer: our facility has been in place for 25 years. So this is not a new facility. 49 00:09:59.110 --> 00:10:09.680 Erik Schoennauer: but as adopted in State legislation, including Sb. 1,383. The State of California requires that local communities, such as the county 50 00:10:09.730 --> 00:10:18.079 Erik Schoennauer: and cities in our county divert organic waste both yard waste and and organic trash away from the landfills. 51 00:10:18.110 --> 00:10:29.000 Erik Schoennauer: A primary objective of this requirement is to reduce the amount of methane gas that is emitted from buried organics in landfills. 52 00:10:29.080 --> 00:10:43.940 Erik Schoennauer: Methane gas is one of the most harmful greenhouse gases, and is a significant contributor to climate change. Z. Best is a critical facility to achieving this State goal of diverting organic waste 53 00:10:44.010 --> 00:10:51.080 Erik Schoennauer: from our landfills to however, the State has other objectives for the statewide recycling program. 54 00:10:51.240 --> 00:10:58.630 Erik Schoennauer: another objective is to divert waste from landfills in order to preserve landfill capacity. 55 00:10:59.130 --> 00:11:09.959 Erik Schoennauer: It is difficult and expensive to establish new landfills, and there and there are negative environmental impacts to creating new landfills. 56 00:11:10.010 --> 00:11:17.030 Erik Schoennauer: So it is prudent to make our existing landfills last as long as possible. 57 00:11:17.500 --> 00:11:25.260 Erik Schoennauer: and by diverting this yard waste and organic trash from the landfill stream. 58 00:11:25.310 --> 00:11:30.449 Erik Schoennauer: It makes our landfills in the area and in the State last longer. 59 00:11:30.550 --> 00:11:37.169 Erik Schoennauer: Another goal is to preserve natural resources by recycling and reusing materials. 60 00:11:37.220 --> 00:11:43.039 Erik Schoennauer: In the case of the best, our finished products are compost and mulch. 61 00:11:43.130 --> 00:11:48.320 Erik Schoennauer: which are beneficial to the environment as soil amendments. 62 00:11:48.480 --> 00:11:51.860 Erik Schoennauer: water conserving mulch, ground cover 63 00:11:52.070 --> 00:11:56.420 Erik Schoennauer: erosion control and bio soil products. 64 00:11:56.650 --> 00:12:06.429 Erik Schoennauer: And so as we are evaluating or the county is evaluating in this eir localized environmental impacts. 65 00:12:06.610 --> 00:12:11.510 Erik Schoennauer: let's keep in mind that the recycling 66 00:12:11.760 --> 00:12:16.409 Erik Schoennauer: facility is critical to the state of California achieving 67 00:12:16.460 --> 00:12:30.200 Erik Schoennauer: it's climate goals by avoiding the production of methane gas in our landfills. It is a major contributor to global warming and climate change. 68 00:12:30.380 --> 00:12:40.440 Erik Schoennauer: And so for those reasons, we hope ultimately that the project will be approved because the E environmental benefits 69 00:12:40.730 --> 00:12:42.830 Erik Schoennauer: to the State 70 00:12:43.110 --> 00:12:45.610 Erik Schoennauer: and the world and all of us 71 00:12:45.640 --> 00:12:51.660 Erik Schoennauer: with regard to climate change is significantly important. Thank you. 72 00:12:55.940 --> 00:12:57.639 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So thank you, Eric. 73 00:12:58.610 --> 00:13:14.470 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So with that I will open up the floor to any public comment again, if you would like to provide a comment regarding the recirculated draft. Eir. please go ahead and raise your hand, and we will record the comment at this point. 74 00:13:36.310 --> 00:13:40.070 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So at this point I do not see any hands up at this point. 75 00:13:40.520 --> 00:13:45.499 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: so I'll just give it a few more seconds here we can go ahead and 76 00:13:45.900 --> 00:13:48.440 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: close if there's no public comments. 77 00:13:50.980 --> 00:13:58.270 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Does anybody in the audience have any questions about process or anything along those lines. 78 00:14:01.940 --> 00:14:03.560 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: seeing none. 79 00:14:05.500 --> 00:14:17.599 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Okay. Well, with that, I don't see any other. I don't see any public comments. I do. We do appreciate your time this evening for joining us to Go over the 80 00:14:17.630 --> 00:14:29.300 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: the recirculative draft er just a quick summary, we do again have the project information on our website, which is on the screen. you would just, if you're not familiar with how to get there, which one 81 00:14:29.300 --> 00:14:47.689 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: most folks at this point may be. you go to our county website and go to current projects. Go to Gilroy and Z best would be the first project there on the top of the page, and you can feel free to take a look at the site plan as well as the recirculated draft. 82 00:14:47.690 --> 00:15:06.010 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: And again, contact information here is on the slide. And also we have it on our website. If you are interested in making any comments you could submit them via email, or you can also send them through the mail at 70 west, heading seventh floor. San Jose, Zip. 9, 5, 1 1 0. 83 00:15:06.610 --> 00:15:28.780 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So with that, I don't see any comments at this point. But again, I want to thank everybody for joining us this evening. And again, if you have any questions, or you want to provide a comment, feel free to do so. you will have other opportunities to comment on the project. if you don't have a chance to get your comment in before this period, this project again will be 84 00:15:28.780 --> 00:15:37.849 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: tenantly scheduled to the planning Commission later this year, and at that point, if you would like to provide a public comment at that point, you certainly can do so as well. 85 00:15:40.200 --> 00:15:49.539 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: So with that I will go ahead and close the meeting, and I want to thank everybody again for joining us this evening, and again reach out to us if you have any questions. 86 00:15:50.520 --> 00:15:53.390 Valerie Negrete, County of Santa Clara Planning Division: Thank you. Everybody have a good evening.